Changelog Details changelog games provide great entertainment for players because they come with the latest features. Many people don’t know about the changes made in the games. The changelog is a document that contains a record of changes for each version of a project. Anyone who wants to know more about changelog in detail can help understand more things. In addition, it allows users to see notable improvements made in each version or release of a game. Besides that, users can get ideas about the updates easily before playing a game.

Everything About Changelog

Before playing free games, every player should understand the changes made during the development process. 0.10 is the initial version released by entertainment companies in March 2017. After that, the game underwent frequent changes with added features that included 0.89 versions. Game developers introduced a 0.891 version in October 2017 with an increased wall limit from 20 to 30. 0.892 and 0.893 are the next versions released in November 2017 which added diamond weapons. In December 2017, the game developed added a Discord link and reduced wolf damage after releasing the 0.894 version.

The game has recently received a new update in 2018. The last 2 update details of the game are shared below.

1.7.0 (25/11/2018):

> Increased move Speed for Assassins Gear

> Lowered Assassin Gear Price to 20000

1.6.9 (24/11/2018):

> Several Hack Fixes (Temporary)

> Reduced Food Cost of Cheese Wheel from 30 to 25.

> Added Gold, Ruby and Diamond Variants for Musket & Mc Grabby (Musket Sprites were placed in the wrong location, thus don’t render in-game)

> 3 New Hats with new abilities (Pumpkin, Bloodthirster, Assassin Gear)

Developments Made in

In December 2017, the games underwent many changes in 0.895, 0.896, and 0.897 versions with more features. 0.9 is the new version released in January 2018 which added cow names, bat weapons, and changed the max-age to 100.

1.0 is another version introduced in May 2018 which added 2 cosmetic hats, diamond bats, sapling, pizza, etc. The game even underwent some changes in the same month and developers renamed the versions like 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2. In July 2018, game developers introduced the 1.6.3 version with added features such as ping display, automatic error reporting, and so on.

Things Changed in Games After 1.6.3 version

1.6. 4 is the new version introduced in August 2018 which included features such as added cheese wheel, added teleporter, etc. Moreover, it removed some settings in order to facilitate players. There are some players who faced problems while using hacks.

The 1.6.5 version introduced in September 2018 fixed those issues significantly. It is possible to know about changelog from gaming websites or other sources easily. games later underwent many changes in 1.6.6, 1.6.7, 1.6.8, and 1.6.9 versions.

Version 1.70 is the latest version available for players with increased speed and other updates. This will help players to focus more on their game with attention. You can also follow the changelog details on their website. When there is a new update, an update notification appears on the game screen. Many players expect that the game will be updated with different innovations in the future. However, 2nd version can be offered to players with innovations.

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